Editorial policy

The Cnap’s editorial policy stems from its efforts towards increasing awareness and knowledge of its collection, as well as to increase public awareness of contemporary creative work. Each project is undertaken in partnership with a public or private publisher. In order to offer a variety of perspectives on the works, the artists and the projects, and to diversify the offering for the audience, the Cnap favours external contributions, from researchers, art critics, writers, etc. This policy also means closely following current issues in artistic and cultural education, and digital innovations.


The Cnap provides professionals with the best information available and with the help they need to exercise their trade, through an annotated directory of some 2,200 listings, including exhibition venues, galleries, art schools, professional organisations, resource sites and cultural portals. Visitors to the Cnap website can learn which grants, awards, scholarships, residencies or writing projects are most relevant to their search among the cultural offerings in France.

The Cnap publishes guides to contemporary art based on this extensive database, such as 140 Aides privées et publiques en faveur des artistes (2012) and 223 Visual Arts Résidences in France (2017). The Cnap also publishes the annual journal Graphisme en France, which has been covering graphic design topics for almost 23 years.

The website also gives practical answers to questions from all the players in the contemporary art scene, be they artists (legal, tax and social welfare issues, how to work as a professional artist, funding for artistic creation and exhibitions), professionals, businesses (patronage), or the general public. The guide 141 Questions-réponses sur l’activité des artistes plasticiens, which sums up all these topics, can be downloaded online (French version).

The website www.cnap.fr provides information on all of the Cnap's grant programmes, acquisition procedures, short-term and long-term loans. It also lists those calls for tender for State commissions which the institution is responsible for.  In its calendar section, the website also lists contemporary art events in France – on average 400 to 500 per week.

Dernière mise à jour le 17 octobre 2017